The Palmyra P&C (Parents & Citizens) Association works closely with the school to promote a healthy working relationship between parents, teachers, students and members of the Palmyra community. This year our President is Joel Thomson. We raise funds to provide extra resources, facilities and amenities within Palmyra Primary School.
We meet twice a term and welcome new parents to come along to our meetings in the library, or you can join via an online link. We have a number of Committees that assist in the smooth running of the School, including:
- Canteen Committee
- Uniform Committee
- Events & Fundraising Committee
- Sustainability Committee
- Sports Committee
- Pally Patch Committee
Joining the P&C as a member enables you to meet other parents, work on projects to improve the school and play a meaningful part in your community.
Please stay in touch with latest news on our Facebook page: Search for Palmyra Primary School P&C
Each class also has a class rep, who is available to assist you and to provide you
with updates on P&C activities. To join your class chat group email with your child’s name, year, and room number.
If you would like further information about meetings, or would like to contact
the P&C please email:
Upcoming P&C Meetings