Junior School Discos (Kindy/PP & Y1/2)

Junior School Discos (Kindy/PP & Y1/2)

8 November 2024

Junior School Disco events in the undercover area.

Kindy & PP: 5pm - 5.50pm
Year 1 & 2: 6pm - 7pm

The P+C invites you to bust out your best dance moves at the junior school DISCO! There will be a DJ on the night to crank some music and play some fun games. Come along and have a boogie!

When: Friday Nov 8th

Where: Palmyra undercover area

Time: - Kindy + PP: 5-5:50pm

- Year 1 + 2: 6:05-7pm

Wear: Your best disco clothes!

Cost: $5 per child. Payment due by Nov 1

Payment options: 1) Pay via link = https://square.link/u/olmHxZ4p

2) Direct transfer - please advise child's name and year group. BSB 036077 Account 414521

There will be a sausage sizzle available on the night (for an additional charge) from 5:30pm.

Housekeeping: Parents are required to supervise their own children. This is both those inside the disco and any children who may be waiting their turn outside of the undercover area. Feel free to share supervision with another parent but please note there will be no teachers/P+C members there to supervise. Duty of care for all children on school grounds lies directly with the parent/guardian. No alcohol.

Enquiries to Laura: 0414 080 843

This disco has been kindly sponsored by Just in Time Electrical. Call Brad Reynolds: 0414 800 184

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