11 December 2024
Year 6 Graduation Assembly for year 6 students and their families.
This is a long assembly and is not always ideal for younger siblings.
Time: 9.00am - 11.00am
Venue: Undercover Area, Palmyra Primary School
Attendance: Parents, relations, and friends are welcome to attend. As the graduation is an important and lengthy event, we request younger siblings remain in class. (A maximum of 4 per family)
Refreshments: A light morning tea, kindly supplied by the P&C, will be shared following the ceremony.
Early Departure: With your permission, students will be allowed to leave school following the ceremony, to prepare for the Graduation Dinner in the evening. Students who remain at school will follow a regular school program until 3.00pm.
If your child is NOT attending please let your classroom teacher know as soon as possible.