7 August 2025
Young Writers event for selected year 6 students.
9.15am - 2.15pm at The Literature Centre, Cnr Knutsford & Hampton Rds Fremantle.
Option 1: Students arrive at school by 8:10am, walk to Marmion Street bus stop and catch the 8:20am bus. Students will do the reverse trip back to school. Students will require a SmartRider for this. Parents to supply.
Option 2: Parents drive own child to and from Literature Centre. Drop off by 9am and collect promptly at 2:15pm
What To Bring: Students will need to bring all food and drinks. There are no facilities for purchasing items. Students will require a clip board, paper and pencil. Please bring a bag that fits everything you need for the day.
Dress: Students may wear free dress. If they are catching public transport they will need to wear their Palmyra shirt over the top for the bus ride which is a safety requirement.
Supervisory Team: Teachers from Palmyra PS will attend, and parent help is required for the bus trip. palmyra.ps@education.wa.edu.au